
Hickory Pecan Wood Sheets 1/8" Thick

Size: 4 x 8 inch
Thickness: 1/8 inch Thick (3mm)

Pecan falls into the Pecan/Hickory grouping, which tends to be slightly  stabler but weaker than the true Hickories, and is considered to be a semi-ring-porous wood. The strength characteristics of Pecan are somewhat influenced by the spacing of its growth rings. In general, wood from faster-growing trees, with wider spaced growth rings, tends to be harder, heavier, and stronger than wood from slower-growing trees that have rings which are closer together.

The hickory pecan is a light to medium brown color. Sapwood can be very wide, and tends to be a beige or light brown; not always clearly or sharply demarcated from heartwood. The wood is generally straight-grained with a coarse uniform texture.

Other names of hickory/pecan wood includes: Pecan Nut, Pecan Hickory, Sweet Pecan, Nogal Morado, and Pecanier.


Laser Cut/ Engravable

Our extensive range of beautiful and versatile timber sheets are compatible with laser cutters and engravers.