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Food Platters Wood Craft - Purple Heart and White Oak

Food Platters Wood Craft - Purple Heart and White Oak

Step 1: Gather Supplies
2 x Strips of Purple Heart 650mm long, 120mm wide.
1 strip of White Oak, 750 Long, 180mm wide.
Food grade mineral oil

Step 2: Assemble Materials

Assemble Materials
Assemble Materials

Lay materials out in the order you would like.

In the photos i am making 3 boards in one go.

The White Oak is in the middle, and is longer as it will make the handle part.

Step 3: Glueing and Clamping

Glueing and Clamping
Glueing and Clamping
Glueing and Clamping

Use a food safe glue, PVA or something similar.

Clamp together using sash clamps or what ever you have.

Wipe off any glue that squeezes out with a damp cloth.

I left these platters clamped for 24 hours.

Step 4: Marking and Cutting Handle and Ends

Marking and Cutting Handle and Ends
Marking and Cutting Handle and Ends
Marking and Cutting Handle and Ends
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Create a template and mark it on your handle,

Use a square to make sure the ends are even and have 90 degree corners.

Cut using a saw. I used a band saw but you could use a hand saw or mitre saw.

Step 5: Planing


I used a thicknesser to make sure my boards were nice and evenly flat.

This could be done with a hand plane and orbital sander... or whatever you have.

Step 6: Drilling the Handle

Drilling the Handle
Drilling the Handle

I made sure I taped the underside of my drill hole to avoid blowout.

I used a 30mm drill bit.

Step 7: Routing the Edges

Routing the Edges
Routing the Edges

I used a round off routing bit to give the edges a nice feel.

I also routed the handle and the hole.

It would be safer to use a routing table but I don't have one!!

You could just do this with would just take you longer.

Step 8: Sanding


I started sanding using an orbital sander with 100 grit.

I then moved to 240 grit and hand sanded.

You could go to 400 grit and higher if wanted...

Step 9: Cleaning and Oiling
Cleaning and Oiling
Cleaning and OilingCleaning and Oiling

I wiped the boards down with a damp cloth and waited for them to dry.

I then used a food grade mineral oil and oiled them 3 times over a week, allowing each coat to soak in well.

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